
Difficulty: ★★★☆☆

Spanish Inquisition

At the start of the game, Spain can choose to re-roll the opposition’s country. If they choose to do so, the first randomised country must be used.

Running of the Bulls

If a Spanish player sinks at least 1 cup on their turn, that player can use ‘Running of the Bulls’ and continue taking shots until they miss. Balls and cups that are sunk are not removed until the ability ends. One use per player.

Spain’s setup and required game components

CountryInteractions/technicalities with other countries
n/a6-cup variation: Running of the Bulls can only be used once.
VariousIf Spain uses Running of the Bulls and sinks it in a special cup that is protected, the ability does not end (Spain can keep shooting), however the special cup is not removed. For example, Vatican City‘s Pope Cup or South Africa‘s corner cups.
AllIf Spain uses Running of the Bulls and sinks it in the same cup twice in a row, a grenade is not triggered, but the ability does not end.

Previous Country

South Korea

Next Country

Sri Lanka