
Pirate Ships

Difficulty: ★★★★☆

At the start of the game, Somalia sets up their cups in a rectangle of 12 (4 horizontal and 3 vertical), and secretly selects 5 cups to be Pirate Ships (one 3-cup ship and one 2-cup). This can be done by marking the bottom of the cups, or telling a spectator to prevent cheating. When one of the Pirate Ship cups is sunk, Somalia must tell the opposition that a Pirate Ship has been hit at the end of the opposition’s turn. Similarly, when a complete Pirate Ship has been sunk, Somalia must tell the opposition (Arghh! Ye sunk my pirate ship!). Once all Pirate Ships have been sunk, the game is over. Meaning, not all cups need to be sunk. Somalia’s cups cannot be re-racked. Grenades only affect cups directly adjacent (i.e., that are touching). Pirate voices are encouraged.

Somalia’s setup and required game components

CountryInteractions/technicalities with other countries
n/a6-cup variation: Somalia set up a 3×3 grid, and hide two 2-cup ships.

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