
Strategic Invasion

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆

At any point during their turn, Poland can take one of the opposition’s cups and place it adjacent their own cups. This ‘Strategic Invasion’ cup is still the opposition’s cup, and Poland needs to sink it to win the game (or, the opposition can sink it). Poland can shoot for this cup at any point (‘elbows’ still applies), but the player who sinks the Strategic Invasion cup must also drink it. Poland cannot end the game until all Strategic Invasion cups are sunk prior. This ability can be used twice, and must be used when the opposition has 4 or more cups remaining.

Poland’s setup and required game components

Poland’s ability

CountryInteractions/technicalities with other countries
n/a6-cup variation: Strategic Invasion can only be used once.
AllIf Poland accidentally sink the opposition’s last cup, but forgot to sink the Strategic Invasion cups first, the game is not over and no redemption is needed. Play continues with the opposition taking their turn.

If a grenade or balls back was used to ‘end’ the game (i.e., there were 3 cups and Poland lands a grenade that would normally end the game), the opposition lose all their cups except 1, and now the opposition takes their turn.
AllThe cups that Poland steal cannot be used for Redemption for either team. E.g., Poland cannot drop a Redemption ball in a Strategic Invasion cup to stay in the game.

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